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shaping active, sustainable and inclusive life-sized cities with the help of the bicycle

Ancre 1
Urbanisme cyclable ; Mobilité cyclable ; Mobilité à vélo ; Mobilité durable ; Ville cyclable ; Ville durable ; Ville inclusive ; Aménagement inclusif ; design participatif ; design collaboratif ; Co-conception ; Bureau d’étude ; Conseil aux collectivités territoriales ; Conseil en urbanisme et politique cyclables ; Conseil en urbanisme cyclable ; Conseil en politique cyclable ; Assistance à maitrise d’ouvrage ; AMO ; Assistance à maitrise d’usages ; AMU ;  Aménagement cyclable ; Aménagement urbain ; Piste cyclable ; Infrastructure cyclable ; Plan vélo ; Schéma cyclable ; Stratégie cyclable ; Stratégie urbaine ; Planification urbaine ; transformation cyclable ; Cyclable By Design ; Bicycle urbanism by design ; Mikael Colville-Andersen ; Romain Loubiere

The bicycle, the unrivaled most transformative tool, will be the catalyst of urban transformation


People have been living in cities for millennia, turning streets into democratic spaces where they could thrive, meet, exchange, fall in love, argue, thus outlining best practices about creating vibrant places and moving around efficiently. 


We are at a turning point. 70% of humankind will be urban dwellers by 2050. Climate crisis is ongoing. Air pollution silently kills. In this context, cities are our future and the platform where matters such as climate, environmental, social and health issues are to be addressed.


We need to bring back human-scale and it starts by planning our cities for people, with people. Designing streets as a people-centered process from idea to implementation is a precondition for shaping places that promote sustainability, social equality, inclusion and empowerment.


Let's design great bicycle-friendly cities!

We design Bicycle Cities


The bicycle is the definitive tool

Dealing with urban challenges, the bicycle will be the vehicle of change. It has proven its ability to positively impact cities and urban mobility more quickly and more efficiently than any other invention.


The bicycle holds so much power because it is humbly serving its purpose in making daily life easy and convenient. It is the most rational and practical solution for moving around in cities: it is transport, it is a stroller, a shopping cart, a van, a social cohesive, the ultimate freedom machine.


Operating at street level and at speeds conducive to the human ability to interact with its surrounding and the urban environment the bicycle bolsters urban life and social interaction while positively impacting across all aspects of urbanism.

Urbanisme cyclable ; Mobilité cyclable ; Mobilité à vélo ; Mobilité durable ; Ville cyclable ; Ville durable ; Ville inclusive ; Aménagement inclusif ; design participatif ; design collaboratif ; Co-conception ; Bureau d’étude ; Conseil aux collectivités territoriales ; Conseil en urbanisme et politique cyclables ; Conseil en urbanisme cyclable ; Conseil en politique cyclable ; Assistance à maitrise d’ouvrage ; AMO ; Assistance à maitrise d’usages ; AMU ;  Aménagement cyclable ; Aménagement urbain ; Piste cyclable ; Infrastructure cyclable ; Plan vélo ; Schéma cyclable ; Stratégie cyclable ; Stratégie urbaine ; Planification urbaine ; transformation cyclable ; Cyclable By Design ; Bicycle urbanism by design
We design Inclusive Cities


Bicycle cities fit everyone

We believe in shaking things up by making sure everyone is visible through data and by prioritizing active collaboration to engage citizens in participatory design process


Designing for inclusivity implies to have a strong focus on shaping places and bicycle infrastructure that suit the needs and desire of every urban citizen, starting with those - women, minorities, LGBTQIA+, youngsters and elderly - who have been forgotten by urban planning for too long.


We long to hear different voices and emotions in order to map lived experiences of under-represented communities. Thus we can integrate a diversity of perspectives to shape safe, comfortable and empowering street environment and bicycle infrastructure, enabling urban citizens to develop a strong sense of belonging and facilitating positive interaction between people.

Urbanisme cyclable ; Mobilité cyclable ; Mobilité à vélo ; Mobilité durable ; Ville cyclable ; Ville durable ; Ville inclusive ; Aménagement inclusif ; design participatif ; design collaboratif ; Co-conception ; Bureau d’étude ; Conseil aux collectivités territoriales ; Conseil en urbanisme et politique cyclables ; Conseil en urbanisme cyclable ; Conseil en politique cyclable ; Assistance à maitrise d’ouvrage ; AMO ; Assistance à maitrise d’usages ; AMU ;  Aménagement cyclable ; Aménagement urbain ; Piste cyclable ; Infrastructure cyclable ; Plan vélo ; Schéma cyclable ; Stratégie cyclable ; Stratégie urbaine ; Planification urbaine ; transformation cyclable ; Cyclable By Design ; Bicycle urbanism by design
We design Sustainable Cities


Bicycle cities address global challenges 

Shaping sustainable cities starts with guaranteeing access to affordable and sustainable urban mobility. Truly sustainable cities are not filled with electric cars and high-tech devices whose only purpose is to postpone urban transformation. They are low-car cities by design, focusing on behavioral changes and implementing transformations with lasting impacts on the streetscape and people. 


Healthy, sustainable, socially inclusive and highly efficient: the bicycle is the only form of urban transport to combine all these requirements. Good news, it is a great ally and it pairs well with public transports to deliver extensive accessibility and increased mobility radius to the urban citizens. And it is also highly space-efficient so that more urban space can be allocated to greeneries and to providing great public spaces to people.

Urbanisme cyclable ; Mobilité cyclable ; Mobilité à vélo ; Mobilité durable ; Ville cyclable ; Ville durable ; Ville inclusive ; Aménagement inclusif ; design participatif ; design collaboratif ; Co-conception ; Bureau d’étude ; Conseil aux collectivités territoriales ; Conseil en urbanisme et politique cyclables ; Conseil en urbanisme cyclable ; Conseil en politique cyclable ; Assistance à maitrise d’ouvrage ; AMO ; Assistance à maitrise d’usages ; AMU ;  Aménagement cyclable ; Aménagement urbain ; Piste cyclable ; Infrastructure cyclable ; Plan vélo ; Schéma cyclable ; Stratégie cyclable ; Stratégie urbaine ; Planification urbaine ; transformation cyclable ; Cyclable By Design ; Bicycle urbanism by design
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